Friday, August 27, 2010



Time flies so fast since we have been participating in this course in June until now. It seems like we have just begun but it is the week 10 now and it is the final week for us in this course. This is my second time to participate in online courses and I am very happy because I have learned many new things. During this course, every week I found everything new for me and my English teaching. Ten weeks ago I did not have my own blog, but now I have one and I am happy to share my experiences with anyone of you who cares about the quality of teaching languages. Furthermore, during this course I create my own Delicious for bookmarking and I have put down many URLs that contain important information related with teaching.

Thanks especially Deborah for your assistance and support during these 10 weeks and make our teaching more effective and interesting, and to my Coursemates to share those excellent ideas on Nicenet and in the blogs.

I develop my skills in using technology to teach English and I am very happy to participate in this course with all of you. I consider that the end of this course means the beginning of our journey towards better and more effective English teaching and learning perspectives in the modern world.

After the end of this course I will keep using this blog to write some experiences concerning technology using in class, so I would appreciate if you can visit it and leave your comments.

I wish you all the best!

Best regards,


Sunday, August 22, 2010



Week nine has almost finished and I’m a little sad because the end of this course is coming. However, I am so glad that I have learned a lot of new things.
On this week I finish writing my final version of my project. My project is about “using computer and internet technology to improve the students’ macro skills”; I consider that is technology is one of the most important tools to keep students active and motivated.
I have to say that this week’s topic was one of the most interesting for discussion. Knowing the different learning styles of their students, teachers can address more students' by balancing the strategies used in teaching.
According to Felder and Soloman in their article entitled learning style and strategies,, 'active learners' learn better when discussing, applying or explaining things to others and they prefer group work. Whereas, Reflective learner's first think quietly on their own, and they prefer working alone. Then, there are 'Visual and Verbal' learners who remember best when they see picture, diagrams, charts, etc. Whereas Verbal learners learn from written and spoken explanations. Sequential learners learn logically following one step after another, whereas Global learners prefer learn the material randomly and are able to solve complex problems. There are 'Sensing' learners who like facts and 'Intuitive' learners who like to discover.
I think that not all students learn in the same way. There are active learners and reflective learners. We have unique students and they are different, so the most important thing is to provide the most effective learning environment for our students. Our responsibility is to embrace the "diverse uniqueness” of our students and plan our lesson in a way that matches their different learning styles.

Best regards,


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 8


Dear Deborah and colleagues,

This course is really amazing. We have learned many tools that we can use in our classroom as alternatives for English teaching. During this week I have explored some of the tools provided in the reading which are very enjoyable. Hot Potatoes is a revelation, an amazing tool that will help to save a teacher’s time. Easy test maker seems to be a useful tool and is similar to hot potatoes. I haven’t used them yet in my classes, but I will do some work on them to see which one will serve my purposes according to their characteristics.
I consider that with these tools we can promote student’s autonomy because when we create tasks to be used and solved using a computer online or offline, learners can access it at anytime and decide according to their time when and which way complete the task. So, when they take this kind of responsibilities and do the task on time and in a good way leads to autonomy.
From this course we have learned about the importance of technology in learning language, so I consider that to get good results with our learners we have to explain and to clarify to them about the significance of these tools.

Best regards,


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 7


This was another excellent week for me, because I learned new knowledge related to Learner autonomy and the use of computer in the classroom.

According to Henri Holec, Autonomy is the ability to take charge of one's own learning. Learner’s autonomy has been a buzz word in foreign language education in the past decades. It has transformed many of the old practices in the classroom and has giving origin to self access language-learning centers around the world. As result of these practices, language teaching is now seen as language learning placing the students as the centre of our attention in language learning education.
As it was mentioned in the article by Thanasoulas, autonomy is a process and not “by no means teacherless learning. I consider that technology is one of the important elements of autonomy but is not essential.

There some activities that we can perform with or without technology to encourage greater autonomy in our students:
1. Pair work
2. Student’s self reflection on the progress in learning.
3. Recognizing and praising by the teacher the success of a learner
4. Use persuasive communication to change learners’ attitude.
5. Use a variety of reading genres like newspaper and magazine articles as communication study.
6. Get students’ participation in online forums and discussions.
7. Provide students a web site to explore, do listening and reading activities and take quizzes.

Although I don’t have computer in my class, they play an important role concerning students’ learning because they can help a lot in a classroom, no matter if we have 20 or just 1. Some ideas to use a computer in a class are:
1. I think we can use the computer as a Learning Center, where students can go at least once a week to do many learning activities and improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
2. We also can use the computer to teach summary work using the AutoSummarize tool. By this tool students can improve vocabulary skills because they will be encouraged to use their own words to substitute words that they have identified previously. It’s important that this kind of activities can be seen for all students, so we should put it on the computer screen.
3. We can use the Track Change Tool and the Insert tool to get class discussions more effective. One group of students present and read their summary aloud to the whole class and others groups can comment on it.

As I mentioned I don’t have a computer in my classroom however, I think is important to have at least one and I created a sample of one-computer classroom lesson entitled “Better to be Unlucky”. I think that having one-computer option to teach English is that both students and teachers can use it to improve the English teaching skills; the computer can be use it for assessment, presentation, accessing information, communication, production and publishing.



Sunday, August 1, 2010


Week 6: Engaging Students; Teaching Large Classes; Creating Interactive PowerPoint Show; Interactive class and PowerPoint.

During this week I learned a lot of knowledge related to engage students, teaching large classes, create PowerPoint presentation, and interactive class and power point.

I would like to say that large classes are usually taught in the lecture mode, where not all the students have the chance to participate and be active, and only the better students take words. These classes are boring and there is little or no interaction between Teaching-Student and Student-Student without feedback. As a teacher when we have this kind of classes and to keep students motivated we have to do some activities like pair or group works, use internet tools etc.

I usually don’t use PowerPoint presentations when teaching English to my undergraduate students but after studied the advantages that this technique has I will use it. The link to my PPT is:
However, this technique has to be used correctly to have the best results; to have students’ attention I think we should keep in mind some aspects;
1. Don't use too much slides and text.2. Use blank slides to get the attention of the students and involve them in thelearning process.3. Use different media to keep their attention.4. Make groups discussion between students about the presentation.5. Don't give them the handouts of the complete presentations. They will have to write while are watching the presentation.6. Make an oral quiz after the presentation to catch their interest on the presentation.

Best regards,
